Sweldong Pinoy in 2019

The year is almost over. In 2019, we have done some design and performance improvements to our Sweldong Pinoy apps. We also worked on new features and new projects. Here are some of our major highlights for 2019. SSS Contribution Increase Republic Act No. 11199 (The Social Security Act of 2018) was signed earlier this year by the president. Under the law, the monthly contributions of SSS members will be increased from the current 11% to 12%. We have updated https://www.sweldongpinoy.com and released Version 4.1 of the Sweldong Pinoy Android app to use the new rates. Learn more here . PhilHealth Contribution Increase The Universal Health Care Act (Republic Act No. 11223) was signed into law last February and PhilHealth released Circular 2019-009 announcing the new premium contribution schedule effective December 7. We have updated https://www.sweldongpinoy.com and released Version 4.2 of the Sweldong Pinoy Android app to use the new rates. Learn more he...