Sweldong Pinoy and GSIS Contributions

For the past versions of Sweldong Pinoy , only the SSS contributions are being computed. SSS, however, does not apply to government employees. Instead of SSS deductions, what they have is contributions for GSIS (Government Service Insurance System). Today, we are happy to announce that Sweldong Pinoy now computes for the GSIS contributions! Just select "Government Employee" in the Employment Type and the app will compute the GSIS contribution instead of the SSS contribution. This is available in version 2.3 of the Android app and in the web app at http://sweldongpinoy.com . If you are a government employee, please check the app and let us know your feedback. We are looking forward to your suggestions and comments. Sweldong Pinoy Android App 2.3 on a Phone showing the Employment Type input (choosing Government Employee will compute the GSIS contribution instead of the SSS contribution) Sweldong Pinoy Android App 2.3 on a tablet showing input for Government Emp...