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MP2 Calculator

The MP2 Savings is a special voluntary savings facility with a 5-year maturity, designed for active Pag-IBIG Fund members who wish to save more and earn even higher dividends, in addition to their Pag-IBIG Regular Savings. Have you heard about it or are you interested to know how much your money can grow? We have made an app that you will find useful. MP2 Calculator is an app for computing how much your MP2 (Modified Pag-IBIG 2) savings may grow based on actual dividend rates. Using the app, you can select the savings type you want (monthly savings or a one-time lump sum saving), input the savings amount, and select the start year. The app will then compute the dividends and total amount per year based on the dividend rate. If the dividend rate for the year is not yet available, it will use the latest available rate. MP2 Calculator on a phone showing input (left) and output (right) screens The output screen will display the results for both the annual dividend payout option